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New COVID Plans

We would like to first apologize for all the necessary changes and new guidelines we must enforce in order to insure safety for you and our staff at Filomena Salon & Spa. We have diligently went through the WorkSafeBC Protocols for returning to operation and have developed a Safety Plan. We do not want to bore you with the whole list of changes the top half of the articles will focus on changes for the clients of the Salon.  And if you are interested in what else we are doing to ensure your safety please feel free to read the rest. Please note this list is subject to change, we will do our best to continue to adapt in this changing time. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

New Protocols for Clients

  1. Reschedule If you are Feeling Sick Please

  2. Waiting Area Reopened – We have sanitized social distanced seating available for clients

  3. Temperature Check / Hand Sanitizer / Mask Provided at Entrance

  4. Wear Mask at All Time / No Food / Bring Your Own Drinks in Closed Container

  5. Come to Appointment Alone – Exception is for Children’s Cuts or Clients Needing Assistance

  6. New Mandatory $3.00 COVID Charge

  7. Deposit for all Service Bookings for New Clients

  8. Ask your Stylist for Retail – Do Not Touch Retail Products

  9. Keep your Belongings to a Minimum

  10. No Magazines & No Snacks or Drinks will be Provided

1. Reschedule if you are feeling Sick / Show Symptoms / have come in contact with anyone with possibly or confirmed case of Covid-19

We understand that it might be difficult to find another schedule that will work out and your hair is important. However please be considerate of everyone at the salon. This is no joke.

2. Waiting Area Reopened – Come right on In - We have Sanitized Social Distanced seating for salon clients

Due to the improved Covid hospitalization and vaccination rate. We have reopened our waiting area. Please come in and wait in our comfortable / sanitized and social distanced seating.

3. Temperature Check / Hand Sanitizer / Mask

Your stylist will be performing a temperature check with a touch-less thermometer before you enter. We hold the right to refuse your service due to safety concern for our clients and staff. There will be a station by the door where you will be required to sanitize your hand with liquid hand sanitizer and a mask will be provided to you before entering. 

4. Wear Mask at all Times / No Food / Bring Your Own Drinks

It is impossible to have social distancing between the stylist and the clients. It is a mandatory requirement to wear a mask at all times which will be provided to you. To keep everyone safe we have a strict no food policy and for safety reasons we will not be providing drinks. Please bring your own drinks in closed container.

5. Come to Appointment Alone – Exception is for Children’s Cuts or Clients Needing Assistance

No Friends / Boyfriends / Girlfriends / Family / Spouses. We understand that for Childrens cuts it is nearly impossible. The Child and parents must both be wearing mask during cuts.

6. New Mandatory $3.00 COVID Charge.

This charge helps cover the added cost of supplies and time that is needed in order to follow the new protocols. Masks / Face Shields / Gloves / Hand Sanitizer / Disinfectant / Cleaning Supplies / Barbicide / Clippercide and so on. Each client will be provided one disposable mask. 

7. Deposit for all Service Bookings for New Clients

With Social Distancing and changes due to COVID, time is very precious to us. With the policy many of the stylist only have half the available hours and shifts compare to what they used to.  Through historical data there is a higher number of No Shows for new clients. With a No Show the stylist loses those hours for potential income. The Deposit is a commitment that we asked you to make to us as we open that time for you. The Deposit amount is as follows $25 Deposit for all Men & Women Cuts / $100 Deposit for all Color & Chemical Services. There is at 48-hour cancellation policy, if you cancelled before that time you will get your full money back. 

8. Please ask your Stylist for Retail – Do Not Touch Retail Products

We will be upgrading our website to have all retail products online so you can view our selections at home or on the stylist’s chair

9. Please keep your belongings to a minimum

Bring only what you need to the appointment, keys, wallet, cell phone and we understand with the Vancouver weather there are always chance of rain. If possible, please do not bring your jacket. There will be a coat rack in the front entrance please assist yourself.

10. No Magazines & No Snacks or Drinks will be Provided

Bring your own materials. With the new BC Government Protocol anything shared and communal must be removed.

New Protocols for the Salon & Stylists

  1. Reschedule If you are Feeling Sick

  2. Temperature Check / Hand Sanitizer / Mask

  3. Two Meter Social Distancing Government Requirement

  4. Mandatory Face Shield Worn During Blow Dry and Hair Wash 

  5. Greet / Call or Text / Temperature Check / Hand Sanitizer / Mask you own Clients

  6. Max 3 People at One Time in the Staff Room and Cleaning

  7. Washroom Cleaning Protocol

  8. No Sharing Tools + Styling Products + Basket + Trolley

  9. Chair Sanitation after each Client

  10. Tools Sanitation after each Client

  11. Sink Cleaning After Each Use and Bowls and Brushes

  12. End of Day Cleaning for Stylist

  13. Reception Desk and Credit Card Machine Cleaning

  14. Capes for Stylist and Apron

  15. No Mandatory Gloves Protocol

  16. Bookings Customers / Deposit and Confirmation

1. Reschedule If you are Feeling Sick

We hold the same strict guidelines and expectation from our stylists. Please protect the health of the clients and your fellow stylists.

2. Temperature Check / Hand Sanitizer / Mask

Same mandatory entrance protocol for all stylist because they enter the establishment. Whoever is working front desk on that day will be doing the temperature check if available, if not please find another stylist to help. Do not enter without temperature check and Hand Sanitizer and Mask. 

3. Two Meter Social Distancing Government Requirement

We have measured and made sure that all styling station is 2 Meters apart. For area that is impossible to enforce the 2 meter rule we followed the guideline and have a separator / divider in place to ensure privacy along with the requirement of mandatory Mask for the clients and stylists at all time. And mandatory face shield for the stylists during blow drying and Hair Wash. 

4. Mandatory Face Shield Worn During Blow Dry and Hair Wash 

We have agreed for all stylist to Mandatory wear a Face Shield at all time during Blow Drying and Hair Wash on Top of the Mask. 

5. Greet / Call or Text / Temperature Check / Hand Sanitizer / Mask you own Clients

When you are ready for your next client. Please Call or Text your own client to come in. If you are running late please let your clients know ETA. Please insure you have the correct communication information available for each client at the start of the day to minimize crowd and movement to the computer and front desk. Ensure the Temperature check / Hand Sanitizer and Mask steps are done for each client.

6. Max 3 People at One Time in the Staff Room and Cleaning

To keep social distancing there will be a Max of allowed of 3 stylists at one time in the staff room. If available, the Spa and the Lash room will be available for you for breaks and lunch. Please use your common sense and follow the social distancing protocols. Reminder to clean after yourself right away after use. Breaks and lunch outdoor or in your car is recommended.

7. Washroom Cleaning Protocol

Client washroom will be cleaned a minimum of 2 times a day by the front desk. Toilet / Faucet and Sinks will be Cleaned and Disinfected. For staff washroom, cleaning supplies will be readily available please everyone do your part and help out with the sanitization of the washroom when available. Cleaner will be in once a week on Sundays for more complete cleaning. 

8. No Sharing Tools + Styling Products + Basket + Trolley

There will be no sharing of any styling tools. Each stylist will have 1 basket to hold all of their own favorite styling product. Please keep all of your styling tools in the Trolley or basket. In the Trolley meaning not hooked on one of the trolley departments but in one of the drawers with cords tucked in. Use your common sense on where to keep your Trolley and Basket at the end of the way, it could be at one of the open stations, or if you are working the next day at the same spot you can keep it at the same location. If there is no where else available, please keep organized at the sink room.

9. Chair and Counter Sanitation after each Client

Each station will have 2 properly labelled cleaning solutions for wiping down counters and Chairs. One will be the Lysol Cleaner and the other will be the Hospital Grade Disinfectant. These two spray will be full and available at each Stylist station for each day. Before and After each client first step is to grab 2 cleaning towels from our wipe towel section. First use the Lysol cleaning spray, spray wipe dry and then proceed with the Hospital Grade Disinfectant spray and wipe dry. After please throw the dirty towel in the dirty wipe towel basket. Sanitize your hand after. Each styling station will come with 80% alcohol liquid hand sanitizer.

10. Tools Sanitation after each Client

Each station will have 1 Barbicide jar, where each stylist is responsible to clean and setup each day. 1 Barbicide mixture spray for all your brushes and tools and one Clippercide spray for your clipper and trimmers. Please make sure you clean all your used tool after each client. 

11. Sink Cleaning After Each Use and Bowls and Brushes

After each use, the stylist must right away clean your bowls and brushes and to wipe down the sink and the shampoo chair with disinfectant spray that will be available located at each washing station. Please be mindful of the next stylist and client that will be using the sink unit next.

12. End of Day Cleaning for Stylist

Each stylist is responsible to wipe down fully clean all their tools and to wipe down their shelf / chair and counter so the station will be ready for the next operator. Also make sure all Barbicide Jars are cleaned and empty after each day. 

13. Reception Desk / Front Door Handles and Credit Card Machine Cleaning

Reception or the Stylist that ring up the customer must disinfect the credit card machine and desk after each use. Please use the Hospital Grade Disinfectant and there will be a Bounty towel up front. With extra time please also clean the Front Door Handles. 

14. Capes for Stylist and Apron

No customer will be using a dirty cape, after each use please keep all used cape in the used capes bin. There will be a basket with all clean capes available. Each stylist can decide on their own work wear disinfectant schedule.

15. No Mandatory Gloves Protocol

Stylist can choose based on their preference to wear a glove and use hand sanitizer or to not wear gloves and use hand sanitizer. It is mandatory for the stylist to wash their hand for 20 second often and Sanitize when they see fit. 

16. Bookings Customers / Deposit and Confirmation

For all booking please mark on Salon Iris who made the reservation – Either Pauline / Leah / Sahar or one of the Stylists booking themselves. For all first time customers we are collecting a $25 Deposit for all Men & Female Cuts / $100 Deposit for all Color & Chemical Services. All stylist should double check all their clients 3 days prior to their appointment to make sure all is good. We will not be doing text confirmation for the now as we will be needing to explain our new policies and protocols. Work as a team, if the stylist is free please do your own confirmation as there will be a lot of jobs for receptions to do during these time.




T: 604-777-9300


MON: 9AM - 7PM
TUE: 9AM - 7PM
WED: 9AM - 7PM
THU: 9AM - 7PM
FRI: 9AM - 7PM
SAT: 9AM - 6PM
SUN: 10AM - 5PM