Why Are My Micro Bead Hair Extensions Falling Out


Hair extensions are a great way to add length and volume to your hair, but it can be frustrating when they start falling out. One common type of hair extension is micro bead or micro link extensions, which use small beads to attach the extension strands to your natural hair. 

While these extensions can last several months with proper care, it's common for some people to experience them falling out sooner than expected. In this article, we'll discuss some common reasons why micro bead hair extensions may fall out and provide tips on preventing it.

What is Micro Bead Hair Extensions

Micro bead hair extensions, also known as micro link or micro loop extensions, are a type of semi-permanent hair extension method. This technique involves attaching individual strands of hair to your natural hair using small metal rings or beads.

Unlike other types of extensions that require heat or glue for attachment, micro bead extensions use a simple clamping tool to secure the beads and hold the extension in place. This makes them a popular choice for those looking for a less damaging and more natural-looking option.

Micro bead extensions are also known for their versatility, as the beads can be easily moved up as your hair grows out, allowing you to wear them for longer periods without needing to reapply them constantly.

Also, because the extensions are attached close to the roots of your natural hair, they provide a more seamless blend and can be styled just like your own hair.

Reasons Why Micro Bead Hair Extensions May Fall Out

There are several reasons why micro bead hair extensions may fall out, including:

Improper installation

One of the most common reasons for micro bead hair extensions falling out is improper installation. This can happen if the person installing the extensions needs to be trained or experienced in this method, and it may result in the beads being placed too far from the roots of your unconditioned hair, causing them to slip off easily.

Plus, if the beads are not clamped tightly enough, they may come loose and cause the entire extension to fall out. On the other hand, if they are clamped too tightly, it can cause damage to your natural hair and lead to breakage.

To prevent this from happening, do your research and find a reputable and experienced stylist specializing in micro bead extensions.

Using low-quality extensions

Another common reason for micro bead hair extensions falling out is using low-quality extensions. These extensions may have poor-quality hair that sheds easily or have a weak bonding agent, causing them to slip off more easily.

Investing in high-quality extensions made with real human hair and strong bonding materials is important to ensure the best results and longevity of your extensions.

Over-tightening of the beads

One mistake that some people need to correct when installing micro bead extensions is over-tightening the beads. While the beads need to be secure, they should not be clamped too tightly as they can cause tension on your natural hair and possibly lead to breakage.

Your stylist needs to find a balance between securing the bead and maintaining the health of your natural hair.

Proper maintenance

Proper maintenance ensures that your micro bead extensions last as long as possible. This includes using sulphate-free and alcohol-free hair care products, avoiding heat styling tools, and gently detangling the extensions to prevent pulling or tugging on the beads.

It's also important to regularly visit your stylist for maintenance appointments where they can move up the beads and make sure everything is still intact.

Natural shedding of hair

It's important to note that it's normal to experience some natural shedding of your hair, including the strands with attached micro bead extensions. On average, people lose between 50-100 hairs a day. So, if you notice a few extensions falling out, it may just be a part of this natural shedding process.

Improper removal process

Finally, improper removal of micro bead extensions can also cause them to fall out. Not removing them carefully and gently can damage your natural hair and cause the beads to loosen and fall out more easily.

Having your extensions removed by a professional stylist who knows the proper removal process is important to avoid any potential damage or premature falling out of your extensions. 

Can Falling Out Be Prevented?

While certain factors are under your control, such as natural shedding, there are steps you can take to prevent microbead extensions from falling out.

First and foremost, choose a reputable stylist experienced in installing and maintaining micro bead extensions. Ensure they use high-quality hair and beads and follow proper installation and removal techniques.

Also, properly care for your extensions using gentle products and avoiding excessive heat styling. Regularly visit your stylist for maintenance appointments to ensure the extensions are securely attached.

Try sleeping with a loose braid or ponytail to prevent tangling or pulling on the extensions while sleeping.

By following these tips and properly caring for your micro bead extensions, you can help prevent them from falling out and enjoy long-lasting, beautiful results.

Does Everyone Experience Falling Out?

It's important to note that everyone's experience with micro bead hair extensions may be different. While some people may experience minimal falling out, others may have more noticeable shedding or loose beads.

However, by choosing a reputable stylist and properly caring for your extensions, you can minimize the risk of excessive falling out and enjoy beautiful results for as long as possible. 

Micro bead hair extensions can be a great choice for those looking for a natural-looking and versatile option. Proper installation, maintenance, and care allow you to enjoy long-lasting results without worrying about excessive falling out.

If you experience any issues with your extensions, consult your stylist for guidance on how to address them and keep them looking beautiful. 

Mistakes to Avoid with Micro Bead Hair Extensions

While micro bead hair extensions can provide beautiful and natural-looking results, people make some commothingses with this need to correctod. These include:

  • Choosing a stylist without proper experience or training in micro bead extensions

  • Using low-quality extensions or beads

  • Over-tightening the beads during installation

  • Improper maintenance, such as using harsh products or not properly detangling the extensions

  • Not following proper removal techniques.

  • These mistakes can lead to premature falling out of the extensions or damage to your natural hair.

  • It's important to research and choose a reputable stylist, use high-quality products, and properly maintain and remove your extensions to avoid these common mistakes.

By understanding the potential causes of falling out and taking proper precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of micro bead hair extensions without worrying about excessive shedding or damage.

Are Micro Bead Hair Extensions Right for You?

The answer to this question will depend on your individual preferences and lifestyle. Micro bead extensions may be a great choice if you are looking for a natural-looking and low-maintenance option for adding length or volume to your hair.

However, it's important to consider the potential cost and commitment involved in purchasing and maintaining these extensions. Choosing a reputable stylist who can properly install and maintain the extensions is also crucial to ensure the best results.

If you decide to get microbead hair extensions, properly care for them and regularly visit your stylist for maintenance appointments to keep them looking beautiful and prevent any potential issues.

Tips for Choosing a Reputable Stylist

Choosing the right stylist ensures your micro bead hair extensions are installed and maintained properly. Here are some tips to help you find a reputable stylist:

  • Ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have had microbeam extensions before.

  • Research online reviews and ratings for stylists in your area who specialize in micro bead extensions.

  • Schedule consultations with multiple stylists to discuss their experience, techniques, and pricing.

  • Ask to see before and after photos of their previous micro bead extension clients.

  • Ensure the stylist uses high-quality hair and beads and follows proper installation and maintenance techniques.

By taking the time to research and choose a reputable stylist, you can ensure that your micro bead hair extensions are installed and maintained properly, minimizing the risk of falling out or damage to your natural hair.


Why do micro bead hair extensions slip out of thin or oily hair more frequently?

Micro bead hair extensions may slip out of thin or oily hair due to the texture and condition of the client's hair. Oily hair can cause the micro rings to lose grip, leading to slippage, while thin hair might not provide enough volume for the micro ring to secure firmly.

How does the hair type affect the longevity of micro bead hair extensions?

The client's hair type plays a significant role in how well micro bead hair extensions hold. Thick hair provides a stronger base for the silicone lined micro rings to cling to, while fine or thin hair might not offer enough support, leading to the extensions slipping or falling out. Your hair stylist should assess your hair type during the hair extension fitting to determine the best approach for applying the extensions.

Can having too much hair in the micro ring cause the extensions to fall out?

Yes, inserting too much hair into a single micro ring can lead to the extensions slipping out. If the micro ring is overloaded, it cannot properly grip the clients hair, causing it to slide down and eventually fall out. It's crucial for the hair stylist to use just enough hair when securing each micro ring to ensure a firm hold without causing strain on the client's natural hair.

How do hair treatment and hair colouring affect micro bead hair extensions?

Hair treatments and hair colouring can impact the integrity of wearing hair extensions, especially micro bead types. Chemical processes can alter the texture of the client's hair, making it more slippery or brittle, which might not hold the micro rings as securely. Additionally, certain hair treatments can make the hair too soft or conditioned, reducing the friction needed for the micro rings to stay in place.


In conclusion, while micro bead hair extensions can provide beautiful and natural-looking results, choosing a reputable stylist and properly caring for them to prevent excessive falling out is important. Following proper installation and maintenance techniques allows you to enjoy long-lasting results without worrying about damage or premature shedding. 

If you experience any issues with your extensions, consult your stylist for guidance on addressing them and keeping them looking beautiful. With the right care and maintenance, micro bead hair extensions can be great for adding length and volume to your hair.

Filomena Salon Coquitlam is an award-winning hair salon located on Schoolhouse Street in Coquitlam. We are specialists in hair extensions, hair colour and other professional hair services.

If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us. We’ll walk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver.

Call now at 604-777-9300 or email us at info@filomenasalonspa.com.

David McAlinden