The Pros and Cons of Hair Extensions


At Filomena Hair Salon, we understand the need to understand the pros and cons of hair extensions before making a decision. This article will provide comprehensive information on different hair extension methods and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. 

We aim to empower you to make educated choices that suit your hair type and preferences.

Different Hair Extension Methods

Several hair extension methods are available, each with its advantages and suitability. Some popular methods include:

  • Bonds: Small keratin bonds that are fused to the natural hair.

  • Micro Rings: Tiny rings that hold the extensions in place without heat or adhesive.

  • Tape: Extensions that are attached to the natural hair using adhesive strips.

  • Weft: Extensions that are sewn onto braided natural hair.

  • Clip-In: Temporary extensions that can be easily clipped in and removed as desired.

While each method has merits, the Micro Rings method is particularly popular for its longevity and natural look. It is an excellent option for those looking for a semi-permanent solution.

Pros of Hair Extensions

Let's explore the benefits that hair extensions can offer:

Added Volume and Fullness

Hair extensions can be a game-changer if you struggle with fine or greasy hair that lacks volume. They add thickness and fullness, giving your hair a much-needed boost that lasts. 

You can enjoy voluminous locks and say goodbye to flat, lifeless hair with properly applied extensions.

Long-Lasting Results

Hair extensions can last for a significant amount of time, typically around 3-4 months. While there is an initial investment, cost-effectiveness comes into play when it's time for a refitting. You can save money by simply refitting the extensions rather than purchasing new ones.

Variety of Shades and Colors

One of the advantages of hair extensions is the wide range of shades and colours available. This allows for seamless colour matching with your natural hair, ensuring a cohesive and natural look. Highlights, lowlights, and dimensions can also be achieved with extensions, allowing you to experiment with different styles and looks.

Cons of Hair Extensions

While hair extensions offer numerous benefits, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks as well:

High Maintenance

Proper maintenance and care are essential for the longevity and health of your extensions. This includes regular brushing, using suitable products, and avoiding excessive heat styling. 

Adherence to the maintenance guidelines can result in tangling, matting, and decreased longevity of the extensions. Investing in high-quality hair extensions and following the recommended maintenance routine to ensure they look great is worth it.


One concern many people have about hair extensions is their fear of looking unnatural. This can be avoided by visiting a specialist salon, like Filomena Hair Salon, where experienced professionals can ensure that the extensions blend seamlessly with your natural hair. 

By considering your hair texture, colour, and style, our team can create a flawless and natural-looking result that will boost your confidence.

Potential Damage to Natural Hair

Improper use or extended wear of hair extensions can damage your natural hair. Pulling on the extensions or not properly caring for them can cause breakage and thinning. Following your stylist's maintenance advice is crucial, and using suitable products to protect your natural hair. With the proper care, you can enjoy the benefits of extensions without compromising the health of your hair.


In conclusion, hair extensions can be a wonderful addition to your beauty routine, providing volume, length, and versatility. However, it's essential to understand the pros and cons before deciding. At Filomena Hair Salon, we prioritize your satisfaction and strive to create hair that makes you feel your best. 

By considering your hair type, preferences, and lifestyle, our professional team can help you make an informed decision. Whether you choose hair extensions or other services we offer, such as hair colour, we are here to fulfill your beauty needs. Contact us at booking for more information or to schedule a consultation. You can also follow us on social media for inspiration and updates.


Q: How long do hair extensions last?

A: Hair extensions typically last around 3-4 months with proper maintenance. Visiting a salon for refitting rather than purchasing new extensions is recommended.

Q: Are hair extensions suitable for all hair types?

A: Hair extensions can be suitable for various hair types, but it's essential to consult with a professional stylist to determine the best method for your specific hair type and texture.

Q: Will hair extensions damage my natural hair?

A: When correctly applied and cared for, hair extensions should not cause damage to your natural hair. However, following the maintenance guidelines and avoiding excessive pulling or wearing extensions for extended periods is crucial.

Q: Can hair extensions be styled and treated like natural hair?

A: Hair extensions can be styled and treated similarly to natural hair. You can use heat styling tools, brush them, and wash them as you would with your hair. However, always use heat-protectant products and gentle brushing techniques to maintain the extensions' longevity.

Filomena Salon Coquitlam is an award-winning hair salon located on Schoolhouse Street in Coquitlam. We are specialists in hair extensions, hair colour and other professional hair services. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-777-9300 or email us at

David McAlinden