From Flabby to Fabulous: How to Get Healthy, Beautiful Hair


We all dream of having sleek and enviable hair, but regularly resorting to various salon treatments can be financially unwise. So in this article, we have listed 5 practical tips and tricks to ensure your hair is in good shape for great hair days ahead. Be sure to read until the very end to establish healthy habits in your haircare routine that will keep your hair looking lush all day!

1. Wash & Condition Correctly

While there is no secret shortcut to healthier hair, small daily habits like washing and conditioning your hair properly can save you from dry and unhealthy strands.

An excellent place to start is by using a sulphate-free shampoo to gently clean your hair and remove excess sebum to provide the right environment for healthy hair growth. Using the right conditioner every time you shampoo is equally important to keep your hair smooth and shiny. Other hair care products that you should reach out for may include a leave-in conditioner or even shaving cream.

2. Avoid Heat and Other Potential Damages

From blow dryers to flat irons and everything in between, heated styling tools are undoubtedly everyone's favourite hair tools to achieve some of the most gorgeous hairstyles. However, styling at high temperatures can damage and weaken your hair, resulting in dry strands and breakage over time. To minimize the damage on days you can't go without your hot tools, and you can use a heat protectant leave-in conditioner or spray before letting any of your hot styling tools touch your strands.

Like how we apply sunscreen before going to the beach to protect our skin, heat protectant products will act as a shield to protect your hair from high temperatures that can cause extreme damage in the long run. If styling your hair with heat is part of your daily routine, it is crucial to be smart when choosing the tools in your styling kit. While buying quality equipment may come off as expensive at first, it will save you from having to replace it and save your hair from any unwanted damage further down the road.

3. Invest in the Right Products

With all the different kinds of combs and hairbrushes available, it can be not very clear and even overwhelming at times to choose which one is right for you. But did you know that using the right hair product for your hair type and styling needs can make a huge difference in your hair's overall health and appearance?

For fine and straight hair, it is advisable to use a boar bristle to get tons of volume and smooth blowouts. On the other hand, if you have kinky and curly hair textures, the best bet is a synthetic fibre brush or any more flexible material for detangling thick hair strands. These types of brushes can be used on wet and dry hair, minimizing damage from brushing knotted hair painlessly.

4. Be Gentle With Your Hair

Overprocessing your hair with bleach treatments or other chemical products can cause damage to the hair shaft, leaving it prone to damage and looking dry. To address this, use hair products that are tailor-made for chemically-treated hair and balance out your salon appointments with gentle hair masks to retain moisture without causing further damage.

Likewise, switching your styles up every now and then can also be helpful if you wear the same hairstyle for too many days in a row. This is because too-tight styles can create a pulling pressure at your hairline, potentially leading to hair loss or traction alopecia.

5. Have a Healthy Diet

When it comes to improving the quality of our hair, we are often bombarded with tons of hair care products offered in the market. What many of us forget is that proper nutrition is one of the most crucial factors for keeping your hair in great shape.

While you can't change certain factors like age and genetics, you can take control of your diet and the nutrients you're taking in. Since our hair is made up of mostly protein, eating a protein-rich diet can play a vital role in helping you achieve thicker and stronger hair. When it comes to specific foods for healthy hair, you'll want to load up your grocery cart with eggs, salmons, spinach, pumpkins, chia seeds, grapes, avocados, and other plant-based food to get the key nutrients for your hair.

David McAlinden